The Financial and Commercial Due Diligence on the Client to cover the below:
Business Overview.
Summarize the businesses history, activities, overall strategy and, through discussions with management, comment on proposed changes to the existing businesses
Summarize the current businesses structures and describe how the businesses are managed
Summarize and comment on the businesses operational structures
Summarize corporate governance structure and remits of oversight committees
Provide an overview of the operational capacity, revenue streams, key customers and suppliers
Summarize the nature of key customer relationships, highlighting how key accounts are managed
Summarize the nature of trading relationships with key suppliers
Comment on the organizational structure and roles of the key management team
Understand and comment on trading with related parties, its rationale, the existence of significant trading at non-arm’s length terms and its impact on financial performance.
Comment on Management’s assessment of separation issues in respect of related parties following the proposed transaction.
Financial Results
Obtain historical financial information for the period under consideration ( 5 years) and provide a summary of: Income statement, Balance sheet, and Cash flow statement.
Summarize the annual profit and loss account for the historical period, highlighting the key elements of the trading performance (i.e. key drivers of revenue, cost of sales, overheads).
Revenue Analysis
Present an analysis of the composition of revenue and key drivers of revenue growth over the historical period
Summarize the trading results for each revenue stream over the historical period, highlighting principal elements of those trading results (i.e. key drivers of revenue growth for the individual revenue stream, seasonality, etc.)
Summarize the geographical split of revenue generated over the historical period, highlighting any changes in concentration
Analyze and comment on the top 10 contracts/customers including dependency and the ability to generate repeat business and/or growing business activity with key accounts
Read the agreements with the top 10 contracts/customers and summarize the key trading terms including reference to unit pricing, payment terms, other discount incentives, etc.
Comment on the length of relationship with existing customers and customers lost in the historical period
Obtain details and comment on the impact of any new revenue streams introduced during the period under consideration and change in revenue concentration over the period
Through discussions with management, comment on nature of items included as other income
Based on analysis and discussions with management, identify and comment on one off sources of revenue during the period under consideration.
Cost and Profitability Analysis
Cost of Sales
Present a summary of and comment on the cost base split by key categories (such as staff costs, raw material costs, etc.);
Analyze and comment on the cost base by process/product category
Summarize key trends in contribution by revenue stream during the historical period, and KPIs, i.e. Gross margins, product volumes and unit price, other KPI’s monitored by management to evaluate financial performance.
Present a summary of the overheads split by broad category (staff costs, selling expenses, administrative expenses, finance costs, etc.)
Analyze the rental costs and comment on the key financial terms of the rental contracts
Analyze and comment on other key expense categories of the Target
Analyze and comment on the finance costs incurred
Comment on the costs for shared services and the cost allocation methodology between the subsidiaries
Through discussions with management, summarize the nature of and extent to which the business is sensitive to movement in exchange rates
Summarize and comment upon the fixed, semi variable and variable cost elements of the cost base for the historical period
Summarize all non-cash expenses (depreciation, provisions) and comment on significant movements therein during the period under consideration.
Analyze and comment on the profitability (gross profit, EBITDA and net profit)
Prepare an EBITDA bridge for the historical period under consideration highlighting key growth drivers
By reference to the underlying last 12 months (LTM) actual trading results, comment on the EBITDA run rate
Quality of earnings-Through discussions with management identify and comment on key one off items / non-recurring / exceptional items (revenue and expenses) included in the historical financial results to present analysis of the key underlying earning potential of the business
Actual versus budget analysis
Analyze the staff costs and headcount for the historical period between the key departments and senior management/directors
Describe key management and their roles, and summarize the principal terms and conditions of their employment contracts, including – bonuses and any golden parachutes
Through discussions with management, identify employees considered critical and comment on their potential impact on future business performance.
Balance Sheet
Analyze the balance sheet and comment on the significant classes of assets and liabilities
Analyze PPE by key category and, through discussions with management, comment on the age, current condition and quality of the asset base
Comment on management’s depreciation policy for the various asset classes
Through discussions with management, summarize historic capex spend (split between ongoing/maintenance and discretionary spend)
Through discussions with management, summarize the historic maintenance spend incurred
Summarize other receivables and other payables, highlighting significant features
Through discussions with management comment on EOSB provisions
Analyze the composition and nature of provisions for other liabilities
Analyze and comment on the nature and composition of other financial assets and movements therein
Comment on the nature of and movements in the shareholders current account
Through discussions with management, summarize and comment on contingent liabilities and future material commitments (e.g. leasehold – property guarantees, deferred consideration, rental obligations)
Comment on any changes to the share capital structure in the historical period.
Working Capital Analysis
Through discussions with management, summarize the working capital cycle and key drivers, highlighting controls operated in relation to such balances and opportunities to improve working capital cycles
Analyze the composition of the working capital balances over the historical period, highlighting salient features
Summarize the monthly net working capital position over the historical period highlighting key trends, peaks and troughs, and average requirement over the last 12 months
Analyze inventory balances and ageing by revenue stream
Through discussions with management, summarize management’s basis for and procedures to value inventory
Comment on slow moving inventory, provisions against them and historical inventory write offs
Summarize and comment on the composition and ageing of trade receivable balances over the historical period and through discussions with management, comment on the recoverability of receivables over the historical period, highlighting provision policies and write offs
Comment on unbilled revenue, if any
Analyze and comment on the composition and ageing of trade payables
Comment on relationships with key suppliers and financial terms included in key long term contracts with suppliers
Through discussions with management, present and comment on the normal working capital levels.
Cash Flow Analysis
Analyze and comment on the historical cash flows. Through discussions with management, comment on the drivers of cash generation and conversion of EBITDA to cash during the historical period
Through discussions with management, comment on the cash flow impact of exceptional/one-off items
Comment on monthly and intermonth cash flow patterns
Comment on other cash flow items, including key financing items
Comment on cash flow management.
Net Debt Analysis
Summarize and comment on external borrowings, highlighting key banking relationships, drawdowns against facilities, maturity profile of the loans and other key financial terms
Through discussions with management identify and comment on other debt like items within balance sheet and present an indicative adjusted net debt position at the latest balance sheet date.
Accounting Fundamentals and Management Control
Summarize the principal accounting policies used, compliance with IFRS and comment on the consistency of accounting policies used during the period, including any recent or contemplated changes in accounting policies or estimates.
Summarize the structure of the finance function, highlighting key responsibilities of staff
Describe the monthly and annual reporting processes (including timetable, content, basis of preparation including method and extent of consolidation, and extent of management review) and comment on the timeliness, accuracy and consistency of management information
Based on discussions with Management, comment on the methodology used to prepare the financial information presented (including systems and controls)
Summarize key issues arising from management letters issued by the external auditors and through discussions with management, comment on significant reconciling items between the management and audited statutory accounts
Provide a reconciliation of management accounts presented to audited financial statements
Comment on material underlying assumptions
Compare the forecast performance to historical results taking into account contract analysis e.g. future contracted order book and pipeline (including potential new contracts, contract run-off and renewals)
Comment on key capital requirements of the business (committed and discretionary).
Company Assessment
Understand management views on
Current positioning
Historical strategy and performance
Future strategy and expected performance, including rationale and supporting evidence underlying forecasts.
Market Assessment
Evaluate the size of the market, by segment
Assess the expected growth of each key segment of the market
Conclude on the expected future growth of the Company’s market.
Competitive Assessment
Identify the key competitors
Profile up to 3 key competitors, including (on a best efforts basis): background, offering, positioning, historical performance, future strategy, etc.
Evaluate the historical positioning and performance versus its key competitors
Evaluate the expected future performance versus its key competitors
Conclude on the expected future market share change.
Implications on Forecasts
Conclude on the prior phases of work
Conclude on the expected performance going forward, in light of findings on the market, competitive landscape, and customer requirements
Identify potential strategies to maximize value post-acquisition
Identify potential risks and highlight risk mitigation strategies.
Level 5, Khalda Plaza Complex, Wasfi Al Tal Street.