
TAQEEM is a recognized leader in providing corporate financial restructuring and turnaround solutions to under-performing enterprises.

TAQEEM is a recognized leader in providing corporate financial restructuring and turnaround solutions to under-performing enterprises. Our broad base of expertise and international experience sets the benchmark by which turnaround firms manage their most difficult commercial challenges.

If your investment is not achieving sufficient returns and is at risk of insolvency, we can assist you in quickly analyzing the decisive factors that affect your firm’s survival and implement critical change to halt the losses and put the company back on the road to recovery.

The success of each engagement is the direct responsibility of our senior partners who take an active role in stabilizing the client company, approving the recovery plan and monitoring its execution. Our objective is to work together with management to maximize the value of your enterprise as it returns to operational efficiency, cash sufficiency and profitability.

TAQEEM can provide the following corporate financial restructuring support to companies in distress:

Early Stage Crisis Management

Our team of experts takes early action to assist troubled companies avoid bankruptcy and liquidation. Specific measures include:

  • Emergency financial controls to prevent shut-down
  • Interim management to take over CEO, CFO, or other critical positions
  • Trade receivable recovery to ameliorate collection-induced cash crunch

These services require the distressed company to be committed to recovery. At this stage, we assist management in setting a strategy and in executing a plan of reorganization. Each plan of reorganization plan is based on a company’s unique situation.

Turnaround Management / Restructuring
  • Financial turnaround: Debt refinancing (help secure loans), equity injection
  • Operational turnaround: Improve internal operations (process review/recommendations)
  • Strategic turnaround: Asset divesture, valuation, strategic advice to reposition company
  • Financing Assist companies secure the funds necessary to finance the turnaround until positive cash flows can be generated
  • Interim management Outside senior management take over during critical phases
Bankruptcy & Liquidation

When it has been determined that maximum value can be achieved for shareholders only through the cessation of commercial activity, we will lead the company through the liquidation process. Our focus here would involve:

  • Pre-liquidation planning: advice/planning to resolve issues before entering liquidation
  • Pre-liquidation audit: statutory audit
  • Liquidation process: guide client thru statutory process & advise along the way
  • Asset valuation
  • Asset disposal advise or take active role in asset disposals
  • Post-liquidation audit: statutory audit